IN PERSON CE – What’s in the One to Four Contract? #51174

K. Hovnanian - Centennial Oaks 3919 Centennial Oaks Blvd, Santa Fe

IN PERSON CLASS RSVP: cbehnke@KHOV.COM  or JLorenz@KHOV.COM Lunch  Included 3-hour credit  | Taught by Tikila Adolph Check in begins at 9:30 Kathryn C. Wheat School of Real Estate #9977

IN PERSON CE – Working With Buyers #45403

D. R. Horton - Springwood 6445 Alexis Street, Beaumont

IN PERSON CE CLASS RSVP: 3-hour credit  | Taught by Lynne McCarthy Check in begins at 10:30 Kathryn C. Wheat School of Real Estate #9977