TREC CE – Getting the Buyer to the Finish line #36372

Coventry Homes - Cane Island 70' 7107 FOUNDERS BLVD, Katy, Texas, United States

Lunch included | 3-hour credit | No Late Arrivals! Taught by Lynne Boynton RSVP: Check in begins at 10:00 Kathryn C. Wheat School of Real Estate #9977

TREC CE – Credit is Power #35627

Coventry Homes - Cane Island 70' 7107 FOUNDERS BLVD, Katy, Texas, United States

Lunch included | 3-hour credit | No Late Arrivals! Taught by LaTonya Lotts RSVP: Check in begins at 10:00 Kathryn C. Wheat School of Real Estate #9977