TREC CE – 7 Powerful Marketing Methods #31355

Perry Homes - Royal Brook 5818 Splitting Willow Ct., Porter, TX, United States

Lunch included | 3-hour credit - No Late Arrivals! Taught by Kathryn C. Wheat & Ronald Earl Wilsher RSVP: Check-in begins at 9:30 Kathryn C. Wheat School of Real Estate #9977

ZOOM TREC CE – iBuyers: How They Affect Your Business #39172


ZOOM CLASS 2-hour credit | You will need to pre-register for this class! Room will be locked at 10:00 Login begins at 9:30 Taught by Lynne Boynton RSVP and be sent registration details: CLICK HERE Kathryn C. Wheat School of Real Estate