Endings lead to Beginnings.
I have this decorative throw pillow on my bed that says, “Happily Ever After”. After ending my last relationship, I nearly gave away this pillow on several occasions because I started to think that happily ever after didn’t exist. At least not for me. Something kept me hanging onto it though.
I suppose after so much heartbreak I could have become cynical. Perhaps I did have a few moments when I felt that there really wasn’t such a thing as happily ever after. Maybe it’s just a silly fairy tale. But through the tears, time and healing I find that I do still believe that it exists and am willing to open my heart to the possibility that I have found that special someone that I really will happily spend the rest of my life with. One thing I do know for sure and that’s if I don’t try, the possibility of it vanishes. And I believe that if you find the right person, you’re willing to jump in with all the love you have in your heart and you are able to leave fear behind.
So many of my girlfriends who have been single for a long time and really want to find a mate don’t understand how it seems like some find love so easily and others don’t. I can’t say that I completely understand God’s timing either but I know that He has a perfect plan for all of us. I also know that when we are having fun and enjoying life, others are attracted to that. Whether it’s just attracting great friends or attracting your happily ever after, your joy is a powerful magnet.
The most important thing is to approach love naked and unafraid. You have to be you in order to attract the right person for you. If you start a relationship not being yourself and trying to constantly bend and please then eventually you will become disenchanted and want to get back to who you really are. I’ve learned that change is very hard. It can be done if something is important enough to us but it takes time and patience. When you find love being who you are then it feels authentic, true, natural, effortless and genuine. You don’t have to work so hard when you aren’t trying to be somebody you’re not.
After my break up I figured that I would be like so many of my single friends and just enjoy life as a single person. And I did enjoy it. I started doing more things with friends and got back to fostering those friendships that I had let wane. I certainly wasn’t looking to find love. I know tons of amazing single women and it was great to reconnect and enjoy spending time with them. That’s when I met The One! When I was just having fun, hanging out with no expectations at all about finding a mate for life, he danced into my life with the prettiest blue eyes and most adorable grin I’ve ever seen.
His charm, chivalrous nature and willingness to take things slow completely disarmed me and my fear faded away. My wounds healed. Next thing I knew, I was falling deep and didn’t care. I knew I had to let go and trust that God put him in my life at this time for a reason. I am scarred but no longer wounded. A wound denotes pain. A scar is a reminder of the healing that took place. It wasn’t by chance that we met when we did. It took time, trials, heartache and healing for God to prepare both of our hearts for the love that we now feel for each other.
I do believe that this man, Chris Wiggins, is finally my Happily Ever After!