Endings lead to Beginnings. I have this decorative throw pillow on my bed that says, “Happily Ever After”. After ending my last relationship, I nearly gave away this pillow on several occasions because I started to think that happily ever after didn’t exist. At least not for me. … [Read more...]
Time Out
I recently had a wonderful opportunity to go visit a dear friend in Scotland. We have been friends since I was nineteen years old. There was a group of four of us that used to hang out. We lived through our twenties together, thankfully during a time of no social media. I look back and am so … [Read more...]
The Best Friend
A life without direction, aspirations or purpose needs something to give it significance. Otherwise, there is an emptiness inside that is insatiable. Many of us struggle to find our significance and when we do those around us who are still searching may become casualties of our new … [Read more...]
If you ever need someone to cry with you, I’m your girl!
It seems like tears and laughter lie simultaneously just underneath the surface of me. In fact, all of my emotions are easily tapped into in the blink of an eye. I have always been this way. Since I can remember, tears seem to readily spring to my eyes and humble me at the mere hint of an emotional … [Read more...]
My Throw Down with "Dance Mom"
At the end of this month I will be attending my millionth dance recital! Ok, maybe that is a slight exaggeration but let's say I've attended a bunch. My daughter danced for 14 years and now my god-daughter is in her 11th year of dance. She will most likely … [Read more...]